Hello blog, I hope everyone is doing amazing!
I am super excited to share that we had our first group meeting in class today! I was put into a group with 5 other students to share each of our plans for our own portfolio projects. At first I was very nervous going into it because I was scared that their projects were going to be much more far along with better ideas and better planning. However, it was very refreshing to see that my classmates were going through similar obstacles and indecisiveness.
Right now we are all in our planning periods. This period is probably the most crucial step for our portfolio project. It has been very hard for me to feel confident in the choices I am making for this project as I seem to have lots of ideas to choose from. The planning period is very crucial because the decisions we make now set the fate for where the rest of our project is going to go from here.
With that, it was extremely helpful to be able to bounce off ideas and brainstorm out loud with my fellow classmates. Not only was it very intriguing to learn more about their individual projects and their creative process, but it was very profitable to be given some advice and critiques. I also appreciated how everyone was approaching their projects in a different order; one of my group members is starting by choosing his music while another one of my group members is starting by creating a script. Also, another one of my group members gave us some advice to start by creating a shot list to plan out the development of our stories and to be able to visualize the project and its' plot.
- Here I have a link to share some research about shot lists and examples!
In regards to my project, I started by talking them through my journey of deciding a genre. After I explained how I wanted to do action/romance, I introduced the idea of maybe opening with a flashback. After much deliberation, my group members helped me decide that I want to open my project with a shot of a door swinging open and the two lovers/thieves running out while the cops trail behind by just a couple seconds. Opening with chaos will help bring out elements of an action film while effectively grabbing the audience's attention. My group members also gave me some advice to really focus on the music for my project as music is a very important part of any action film. They also advised me to play around with sound, maybe siren sounds fading out as the opening shows a flashback to the couple in love and at peace before all the chaos.
- Here I have a link to share some research of songs featured in action films.
Overall I am very grateful that we were given the opportunity to discuss our projects in groups. This group meeting really helped open my eyes and show me much more possibilities to approach my project.