Monday, October 30, 2023

Sound Blog Post

 During the first weeks of October, we got assigned a sound project for my AICE Media Studies class. The instructions said to display a story through only sound effects and apply the use of at least 4 DIY foley sounds. 

This is the outline of my project:

Scene: Walking to fishing spot 

  1. Crunching of leaves when walking to the river. (foley) 
  1. Slight wind 
  1. Tress rustling in the wind 
  1. Birds chirping  

Scene: Arrive at Fishing Spot 

  1. noise of river running (background) 
  1. Drop of backpack (foley)  
  1. Fishing rod cast sound 
  2. Splash of cast hitting the water (
  1. Moment of silence (Nature- river) 
  1. Splashing of water (fish) 
  1. Fishing rod reel in sound 
  1. Pulling of the fishing rod 
  1. Splash of water (fish) 
  1.   More rod reel in sound 
  1. Fish flopping around on land  foley) 
    1. Hands touching the slimy fish  
    1. Dripping of water(background) 
    1. Sound of picture being taken 
    1. Splash of water (releasing the fish)  foley) 
      1. Fish swimming away(sound fades) 

          In my project, the story was about a man walking through the forest, stopping at a lake, and fishing. In the beginning, the protagonist is heard walking through the footsteps. To display this specific sound, my partner recorded the sound of a plastic bag to demonstrate the footsteps. When editing, I added prerecorded sounds of nature like wind and birds chirping to add to the realism of this project. Also when editing, I made sure to adjust the volume of the river sounds as the protagonist gets closer and closer.  I added his foley sound of the backpack dropping and then used prerecorded sounds of most of the other sounds like the fishing rod and some water sounds. The next foley sound, was the slimy fish flapping on the dock and this sound was made by soft clapping with an excess amount of cream on the hands. The last foley sound was the splash of the fish returning to the water. 

          Editing this project was time consuming, but super fun and entertaining. It was interesting to play around with the layering and volume of all of the sounds. The use of nature sounds and being able to use pre recorded sound effects really added to the realism and made the story clearer. Using our own sounds ,however, was in a sense more rewarding as they were direct products from us. All in all, I was really proud of out final product and satisfied as all the hard working was worth it. 

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